Below is a range of 50s Ladies Dresses. Remember or Imagine you could go shopping for latest fashions for your on the Sears Catalogs in the 1950's
Below is a selection which includes two examples from each year of women's dresses from each of our 1950 to 1959 years. There are 2 dresses shown for each year. As you go down the page you can see the styles change during the decade.
Two examples From Our 1950 Fashions Fashion Clothing Page which includes 20 other examplesRemember or Imagine you could go shopping for electrical goods and appliances in the 1950's
Black and White TV's 21 inches and weighed a ton and the tube at the back poked out 20 inches
Part of our Collection of Home Appliances from The 1950's
Remember or Imagine you could go shopping for furniture in the 1950's
You will notice a lot of plastic tables and chairs