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1920's Furniture and Appliances with Prices, Descriptions and Images

Below is a range of furniture found in 20s homes. Twenties Furniture and home furnishings including Range Of Clocks, Solid Oak Roll Top Desk, Player Piano, Full Size Wind Up Phonograph, Chemical Closet, Queen Anne Style Oak Dresser and Chiffonier, Oil Wick Cooking Stove and more with prices and descriptions

Set of Walnut Veneer Dining Room Furniture

Dining room set from the 1920's

Price: China Cabinet $51.45
Price: Dining Room Table $49.45
Price: Dining Room Table Chair $7.85
Price: Dining Room Table Arm Chair $10.75
Price: Dining Room Sideboard $51.45

Mid 20's Walnut Veneer dining room furniture set consisting of table and chairs, China Cabinet and a Sideboard, a rough idea of the total cost would be about $250.00 in todays money that works out about $3,000

  • Twenties Davenport Sofa

    1920s Davenport

    Price: $88.50

    Finest quality Davenport Sofa

  • Bed, Springs and Mattress

    Bed, Springs and Mattress

    Price: From $22.95

    Price includes the Bed frame, Springs and Mattress

  • Twenties Portable Bathtub with water heater attached

    Portable Bathtub With Water Heater

    Price: $41.85

    Many if not most rural homes in the twenties did not have full indoor plumbing so this was your best chance of having a hot bath, the water heater could be a Gasoline or Kerosine based burner, To use the bathtub you first needed to fill the tank with water ( held 12 gallons ), next light the burner and when ready fill the bath, to empty the bath attach the 6ft length of hose to the water outlet and drain out through the nearest window.

  • Range of Oil Lighting Lamps

    Range of 20's Oil Lighting Lamps

    Price: From $3.75

    Below are 3 examples of the oil lamp lighting fixtures used during the early 20s. A Hanging lamp designed to hang from the ceiling offering bright light for the room ($17.25), The second sits on an extension pole offering lighting in the local area ($14.25) and the third is a reading lamp ($3.75).

  • 20s Room Oil Heaters

    Oil Powered Room Heaters

    Price: $4.95

    As you can see many of the home furnishings and appliances from the early 20's were oil / Kerosine based ( Gas and Electricity was only available to homes in the larger cities )

  • High Speed Hand Operated 1920s Washing Machine

    Hand Operated Washing Machine

    Price: $19.25

    The High Speed Wizard a High Speed Hand Operated 1920s Washing Machine

  • Oil Wick Cooking Stove

    Late 20s Oil Wick Cooking Stove

    Price: $32.95

    As you can see this is not only much cheaper than the Gas/ Wood-Coal Burning Oven and hob, it was also more practical in rural areas who did not have gas and during the winter would struggle to keep firewood / coal dry. Oil was an important part of the rural way of life offering heating, light, cooking and more because of it's easy storage .

  • A Late Combination Gas Wood or Coal Burning Oven, Hob and Grill

    Combination Gas Wood or Coal Burning Oven, Hob and Grill

    Price: $99.95

    A combination Gas, Wood or coal burning late Twenties Oven, Hob and Grill, with porcelain enamel ( choose your color from Light Blue, French Grey or light spring green to make for quick easy cleaning and always looking like new.

  • Finest Quality Kitchen Cabinet

    1929 Kitchen Cabinet

    Price: $57.65

    Finest Full Size Quality Kitchen Cabinet

  • Queen Anne Style Oak Dresser and Chiffonier

    Queen Anne Style Oak Dresser and Chiffonier

    Price: $32.00

    Queen Anne Style Oak Dresser and Chiffonier

  • Early Twenties Bathroom Set Including Bathtub, Closet tank and Lavatory

    Bathroom Set Including Bathtub, Closet and Lavatory

    Price: $84.95

    The bathtub was 5ft long, 30 inches wide and 16 inches deep and you can see the claw feet design,

  • Chemical Closet

    Chemical Closet

    Price: $5.75

    Most homes including those in the city did not have full running water mains and sewage so a chemical toilet was more often the standard which explains why most were in outhouses outside

  • Early Twenties Bathroom Set Including Bathtub, Closet tank and Lavatory

    Portable Phonograph

    Price: $29.00

    A Portable Phonograph from the late 20's, unlike many of the other 20s items , you can find these for sale at reasonable prices at most antique fairs, I included this as they were found and used in so many homes to play music.

  • Full Size Walnut Veneer Twenties Wind Up Phonograph

    Full Size Wind Up Phonograph

    Price: $98.00

    A full size wind up phonograph for your home, the cabinet is made of Walnut Veneer that would look great in any home, the phonograph includes a record storage area, Speakers are extra but 10 needles are included

  • Windsor Player Piano

    Player Piano

    Price: $485.00

    Finest quality player piano walnut veneer, One other interesting fact is the weight which is over 800-lbs

  • Refrigerator with cork insulation and white enamel exterior

    Twenties Refrigerator

    Price: $29.98

    The latest in modern refrigerators with a steel covered with white enamel exterior and a cork lined interior to keep your food fresh, the ice box is large enough to ensure cold air circulates fully around the refrigerator, Refrigerators back in the 20's used the basic principle of filling an ice box with ice which allowed cool air to circulate around your food, cork at the time was the best form of insulation around and meant the ice and food would last longer.

  • Cedar Lined chest with walnut veneer from the 20's

    Cedar Lined Chest With Walnut Veneer Exterior

    Price: $19.95

    Keeping clothes safe, clean and stored required a cedar lined chest which was the best barrier against unwanted bugs, beetles etc. from ruining clothes, they were a common piece in the twenties this is just one example of the hundreds you could buy.

  • Range of Oil Lighting Lamps

    Range of Oil Lighting Lamps

    Price: From $3.75

    Below are 3 examples of the oil lamp lighting fixtures used during the early 20s. A Hanging lamp designed to hang from the ceiling offering bright light for the room ($17.25), The second sits on an extension pole offering lighting in the local area ($14.25) and the third is a reading lamp ($3.75).

  • Solid Oak Roll Top Writing Desk

    Solid Oak Roll Top Desk

    Price: $27.95

    A writing desk was a standard piece of furniture in all the better homes, Oak was the standard, they are quite collectable today if you are lucky enough to find one in good condition.

  • Range of Clocks including Mantle clock, Cuckoo Clock and 8 Day Wind Up Clock

    Range Of Clocks From The Twenties

    Price: Ornate Black Enamel Mantle clock $6.25
    Price: Cuckoo Clock $12.65
    Price: Traditional 8 day Mantle Clock $7.45

    These are 3 of the most common clocks found in people's homes, a traditional mantle clock and large 8 day Ornate Black Enamel Mantle clock and a very traditional at the time cuckoo clock

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