This Quiz covers the 1930s questions include what year did Australia gain independence, what year was the first issue of "Superman", Seabiscuit beat ??? to become the best horse and many more
From our 1957 Page
1957 was the peak of the Baby Boomer years
More Information and Timeline For The Baby Boomer Years1. Definition of Baby Boomer By US Government: Demographic birth boom between 1946 and 1964
2. World War II ends 1946
3. Hundreds of thousands of servicemen return home hoping to set up home with a loved one
4. Governments deal with this in differing ways
5. United States Passes the GI Bill or ( Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 )
5a. Provided college or vocational education for returning World War II veterans
5b. Provided low interest, zero down payment home loans for returning World War II veterans
5c. Provided one year of unemployment compensation for returning World War II veterans
5d. Resulting from these measures tens of thousands of jobs were created for pent up demand in consumer goods, the construction industry, higher education etc. fueling a healthy economy which in turn helped the population to feel confident enough to have families.
6. Great Britain built tens of thousands of low income homes for returning servicemen, increased nationalization and also provided education and unemployment for returning servicemen, this combined with the increased opportunity provided to export goods to the United States created a boom of children and the economy
7. Most Other Allied countries followed similar routes creating an environment where couples felt the confidence to set up homes and new families, the increased numbers of children helped to fuel the economic growth with even more consumer demand.